PHOTONICS 4 BAKERY. Research on the applicability of photonic technologies to improve the processes of companies in the bakery sector.
Photnics4Bakery’s general aim is to advance in the digital transformation of companies in the bakery sector by investigating the applicability of photonic technologies to improve
COMPLETER PROJECT 2021. Components for elements of critical systems test benches.
In this industrial research project that we carry out together with Intermaher, Mufer, Kendu and Metal Estalki a whole chain of design and process definition
Completion of BIOECD project: a biosensor for in-line e-coli detection in the rinse water
We have successfully completed the project BIOECD: BIOSENSOR FOR IN-LINE E-COLI DETECTION IN RINSE WATER. The aim of this project carried out in the framework
Completion of LYSOSENS project: a system for the determination of lysozyme concentration in whey
We have successfully completed the project LYSOSENS: System for the determination of Lysozyme concentration in whey. The aim of this project carried out in the
Pilot project. AONIR platform validation tests.
Pilot project for the AONIR platform validation tests. Within the framework of BIND 4.0, AOTECH is carrying out a project together with the company OKIN
Biosensor for in-line e-coli detection
BIOECD PROJECT. Biosensor for in-line e-coli detection in rinse water. Thanks to the S3FOOD funding, we launch the BIOECD project. The scope of this project
LYSOSENS PROJECT – sensor for the determination of lysozyme concentration in whey
LYSOSENS PROJECT. Sensor for the determination of Lysozyme concentration in whey. LYSOSENS project aims to develop a prototype of an optical system that allows detecting
AOTECH launch its sensors to the 5th edition of BIND 4.0
New success for AOTECH optical sensors, we get into BIND 4.0! AOTECH has been selected, among 750 companies, to participate in the 5th Edition of
VIII Edition ABIATU Award 2020 – Technology based university companies. 2º PRIZE AOTECH has been awarded the 2nd Prize in the Technology-Based University Companies category,
NIRMILK project tests
NIRMILK PROJECT. AONIR-C EQUIPMENT TESTS. Sensor for milk characterisation. We start the validation of our AONIR-C facilities thanks to the DULCEGRADO SL gracias al proyecto