PIMAP 4 SUSTAINABILITY, Internationalisation. Registration mark in Europe.
AOTECH has received funding to carry out the trade mark registration at the European level, thanks to the European call PIMAP 4 Sustainability, Internationalisation.
PADIH. Digital Innovation Hubs Support Programme
A new grant was obtained within the PADIH Programme, to improve the competitiveness by providing advisory services and support in innovation for implementing disruptive digital technologies.
PIMAP 4 SUSTAINABILITY, Green Transition Voucher. Desgin of an electrical panel.
AOTECH has received funding to carry out an electrical panel design that will be integrated into a monitoring system for chemical baths, thanks to the European call PIMAP 4 Sustainability, Green Transition.
PIMAP 4 SUSTAINABILITY, Green Transition. Design of control software for chemical bath monitoring system.
AOTECH has received funding for the development of control software for a chemical bath monitoring system, thanks to the European call PIMAP 4 Sustainability, Green Transition.
RT-MonCheBa Project. Feasibility study for Real Time Monitoring of Chemical Baths.
Chemical Baths real-time monitoring.
FBRM PROJECT. «Fungi-based By-products revalorization with real time monitoring», in collaboration with Innomy and framed in the B-Resilient program funded by the European Union.
In-line and real-time food production monitoring.
Biosensor for the detection of metals in milk
BIOMIM project. biosensor for the detection of metals in milk. We start a new project! Thanks to the support of S3FOOD and hand in hand
“TUNANIR” project Grant
Grant Awarded in 2020 AOTECH receives a grant from the Economic Development and Infrastructure Department of the Basque Government within the framework of the “TUNANIR”
DIGI-B-CUBE Sectoral Workshop: Digital Health Innovations Disrupting Medical Diagnostics and Precision Medicine. Oslo.
Photonics applied to the pharmaceutical industry. AOTECH participated for two days in this event held in Oslo (Norway) within the DIGI-B-CUBE program, which provides grants
Grant 2019
AOTECH has received a grant from Beaz and Spri under their programs: “Creación de empresas innovadoras” y “Ekintzaile” respectively. Thanks to this grant, AOTECH will