AOTECH - Sensores ópticos para una producción eficiente y sostenible

Be more effective than
the competition,
lose less

AOTECH provides leading technology to the dairy sector in its production line.

AOTECH en la industria del sector lácteo

We bring NIR spectroscopy to the production line itself to achieve real-time production monitoring.

Are you worried about food safety?

Ensures strict quality control throughout the process.

Tecnología NIR en línea para la industria - sensor óptico

Inline measurement of % fat


Inline measurement of % protein


Recipe adjustment in real time

Easily customizable

Quick installation

Maintenance and development service for predictive models:
We put at your disposal our expert staff in developing predictive models
to achieve maximum equipment performance.
Infographic Benefits of NIR technology
Case Study
Glaucor - ingeniería

CAD2P Pilot project successfully completed.

Inline control of milk used for the production of Greek yogurt.

% fat % protein

70% reduction in final product variability.

AONIR - Sensor en línea y en tiempo real
Trazabilidad de la producción alimentaria en tiempo real

Bet on Innovation

Install AONIR and multiply the productivity of your business.

Turnkey projects

Complete digitization projects,
from scratch.

Digitalization is the future
for the food industry

Contact Us!

+34 621 004 487

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