BUPAIC PROJECT. Butter Production Automation with In-line Control
AOTECH participates in the BUPAIC Project, in collaboration with our tech partners GLAÜCOR INGENIERÍA and ILAÇOR Industria de Laticinios dos Açores, S.A. This project, framed within the HIGHFIVE program, marks the beginning of a new era in butter production automation with inline control.
ESPECTROLIVE PROJECT “Research into the use of spectroscopy and complementary technologies in the detection of phytosanitary products in situ in whole olives”. Objective: To research
FBRM PROJECT. «Fungi-based By-products revalorization with real time monitoring», in collaboration with Innomy and framed in the B-Resilient program funded by the European Union.
In-line and real-time food production monitoring.
ACTIVA STARTUPS LA RIOJA. Application of different spectroscopy techniques in the food industry.
We are starting a new project! Thanks to the Activa Startups La Rioja grant and in collaboration with the company CIDACOS, we are starting a
Energy Efficiency and Sustainability in the Food Industry
How to increase efficiency and sustainability in food production. Below is a video of our participation in Food4Future 2022, where Iker García, CEO in AOTECH,
AOTECH food industry sensors, finalists at Toribio Echevarria Awards
The AOTECH food industry sensors finalists in the 32nd Edition of the Toribio Echevarria Awards. Our optical sensors for the Food Industry continue to achieve
Our optical sensors for the Food Industry continue achieving success. AONIR, our platform based on NIR spectroscopy for the in-line and real-time monitoring of the
PHOTONICS 4 BAKERY. Research on the applicability of photonic technologies to improve the processes of companies in the bakery sector.
Photnics4Bakery’s general aim is to advance in the digital transformation of companies in the bakery sector by investigating the applicability of photonic technologies to improve
AONIR presentation at SMART AGRIFOOD INDUSTRY. Today, we would like to share some images of our presentation at the Smart Agrifood Industry, organised by Secpho
Completion of BIOECD project: a biosensor for in-line e-coli detection in the rinse water
We have successfully completed the project BIOECD: BIOSENSOR FOR IN-LINE E-COLI DETECTION IN RINSE WATER. The aim of this project carried out in the framework