AOTECH participates in a project researching alternative protein production.

The main objective of the project is to develop large batches of sustainable and nutritious fungi-based burgers, while ensuring an accurate assessment of their texture, protein and nutrient content

AOTECH participates in the FBRM project Fungi-Based By-products revalorization with real time monitoring, in a consortium led by Innomy Biotech S.L. and funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 101074621 B-Resilient.

Monitorización en tiempo real de la producción de hamburguesas a base de proteína de hongo
Premio Ebro Talent AOTECH

16.11.2023 EBRO TALENT

The third Ebro Innovation Day was successfully held.

Last Friday, 10 November, we saw how the startup AOTECH shone with its own light when proclaimed winner of the III Edition of "Ebro Talent: Caring for Innovation".

This programme, the result of collaboration between Loyola University and Ebro Foods, aims to discover and promote transformative projects in the food sector and catalyse innovative talent to implement sustainable solutions that improve the value chain of the agri-food sector.

AOTECH wins the "Ebro Talent: Caring for Innovation" awards third edition.

AOTECH is a company dedicated to the research of photonic solutions for all industrial processes.

To win the award, it presented an innovative solution to monitoring Ebro sauces' production. This idea combines NIRS (Near-InfrRed Spectroscopy) technology with a predictive model based on machine learning algorithms. According to Ebro Foods, this allows obtaining information in real-time, which facilitates rapid decision-making and avoids unnecessary losses due to composition errors or failures in the machinery and production line.

AOTECH ganadora premio Ebro Talent
Premio Ebro Talent AOTECH

10.11.2023 LA VANGUARDIA

The startup Aotech, winner of the third edition of the Loyola and Ebro Foods entrepreneurship programme.

The startup AOTECH has won the 3rd edition of 'Ebro Talent: Caring for Innovation', an entrepreneurship programme organised by Loyola University and Ebro Foods to detect ideas and projects in the food sector, boost innovative talent and implement sustainable and real solutions that contribute to improving the value chain in the agri-food sector.

10.11.2023 EUROPA PRESS

The startup AOTECH, winner of the third edition of the Loyola and Ebro Foods entrepreneurship programme.

Iker García, CEO of AOTECH, collected the two awards: the first, worth €1,500 for the challenge "how to reduce the waste of resources in the value chain through prediction". And the second, the additional prize of €4,500 for the best project.

AOTECH ganadora premio Ebro Talent
Iker García - Onda Vasca

22.05.2023 ONDA VASCA

The startup 'AOTECH' offers photonic solutions for all types of industrial processes.

They started in the aeronautics sector but have now turned their attention to the food sector. Their aim is to achieve more efficient and sustainable food production.


AONIR platform: In-line and real-time monitoring of food production.

"Our platform can detect adulteration, fraud or contamination".

AONIR sensors are going to be able to provide in real-time the most characteristic parameters of food products such as percentages of fat, protein, moisture, etc.

Sensor Seguridad alimentaria
Sensores industria alimentaria


Sensors to innovate in the food industry.

"The solution we have developed brings near infra-red (NIR) spectroscopy to the food production line to control, monitor and optimise in real time the entire production process from raw material input to the final product".


AOTECH to launch AONIR, an infrared spectroscopy-based technology to provide real-time quality data to the food industry, in 2023

After carrying out several pilot projects in the dairy and bakery sectors, the startup will bring to market a solution that aims to reduce analysis times compared to an external laboratory by offering instant information on various parameters that allows companies to produce food with efficiency, quality and traceability.

02 AONIR produccion alimentaria sostenible

13.06.2022 CAMPUSA UPV

Three companies from the UPV/EHU university community awarded

At the largest event aimed at supporting entrepreneurship, growth and innovation of companies in Bizkaia, the companies AOTECH Advanced Optical Technologies S.L., Ekobideak and Roseo Eólica Urbana, which have the support of the UPV/EHU, have received different awards from the Provincial Council of Bizkaia.

The #OnBizkaia prize was awarded to AOTECH Advanced Optical Technologies S.L., winner of the best project for the creation of an Innovative Company.

08.06.2022 INFOBEAZ

Bizkaia Enpresa reflects on innovation, competitiveness and entrepreneurship.

The Provincial Council of Bizkaia has brought together the business and entrepreneurial fabric of the territory at BEC for the annual Bizkaia Enpresa meeting, which this year has reflected on corporate venturing.


30.03.2022 SPRI

AOTECH, a startup with a clear commitment to photonic solutions for the food and aeronautical sectors.

The Bizkaia-based company has recently participated in SPRI's Bind 4.0 programme and is part of a project where its innovative AONIR technology is used to measure the parameters of bread dough.

04.03.2022 GANANZIA


Iker García (Barakaldo, 1978) studied telecommunications engineering and obtained his PhD in applied photonics, which basically consists of using particles of light to measure changes in any surface. His current goal, as an entrepreneur, is to apply this technology to various industries, starting with the food industry, which has to bear the high costs of current testing machinery.

gananzia dispositivo nir

20.01.2022 SPRI

55 startups will respond to the new technological challenges of 22 Basque industrial SMEs

55 startups have been selected as finalists to respond to the new technological challenges presented by 22 industrial SMEs, belonging to the clusters of the automotive, energy, environment and advanced manufacturing sectors, through the new initiative BIND 4.0 SME Connection.

27.11.2021 DEIA

Boosting innovative activity in the Basque Country

The Bilbao Fine Arts Museum is hosting this Thursday 2 December a new edition of the Vodafone DEIA Innovation Sariak in recognition of the innovative nature of the Basque business and institutional network.

The 7th edition of the Vodafone DEIA Innovation Sariak has named this year's winners companies and public institutions, as well as the finalist SMEs and startups.

DEIA 27/11/21


Orizont selects 16 start-ups to work with leading companies in the agri-food sector

The projects have been selected during the match point event of the 6th edition of the agri-food innovation accelerator.

AOTECH, Advanced Optical Technologies (Vizcaya). Selected by General Mills. This start-up has developed a system based on NIR spectroscopy that allows product characterisation in real-time to ensure quality throughout the production chain.


14 business ideas that will 'feed' you

Advanced Optical Technologies (AOTECH) is a project from Bilbao that offers photonic solutions for the automation of industrial food processes.

Iker García - AOTECH

01.03. 2021 EMPRESA XXI

Iker García. AOTECH CEO

Iker García is facing the most promising year of his professional career at the head of AOTECH, a spin-off created within the Applied Photonics Group of the University of the Basque Country, whose aim is to apply optical solutions to all kinds of industrial processes.

30.01.2021 STARTUP.INFO

AOTECH, the best choice to apply photonic solutions to industrial processes. Innovation on optical sensors.

How does AOTECH innovate?

Iker García: AOTECH started with the goal of bringing photonics to the industry. In my university experience, I realized that many innovations and investigations remained there in papers and never came true in real life. That’s why I decided to create a company that would help bring to light all that knowledge, working hand in hand with the University of the Basque Country.

Apart from that, we are also developing our own R&D.

24.01.2021 LA NUEVA ESPAÑA

Beans, milk and cured pork 4.0

The agri-food sector is digitalised thanks to projects to speed up the shelling of legumes or the smoking of sausages.

21.01.2021 SPRI

31 innovative startups win 40 contracts with the Corporate Partners of BIND 4.0 for its 5th edition

The Corporate Partners involved in the initiative have selected the participants after analysing the 750 applications received from 73 countries, 37% more than last year.

Among the startups chosen, there are 15 from the Basque Country, 7 from other autonomous communities and 9 international.

This year, the Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data and Artificial Vision are among the majority technologies of the selected projects, with 62% of the solutions.

sensores ópticos AOTECH

05.01.2021 GARA

Measure and characterise using sensors and light particles

The technological startup AOTECH develops photonic solutions with applications in the aeronautical or food fields. Its CEO, Iker García, begins the year with multiple projects in hand and immersed in the validation of his first prototype.

04.01.2021 SPRI

Nemergent Solutions, Ironchip, Aotech, Purple Blob and Emerid System, Bizkaia Abiatu Awards

The 8th awards have been handed to the best companies created on the EHU-UPV Campus of Bizkaia.

VIII Premios Abiatu a las mejores empresas creadas en campus de Bizkaia

16.12.2020 CAMPUSA UPV

The VIII Abiatu Awards have been handed to the best companies created on the Bizkaia Campus

This morning the VIII Abiatu Awards, which recognise the creation of innovative and technology-based university companies on the Bizkaia Campus, were presented at the Oteiza Hall of the Bizkaia Aretoa. The winners were Nemergent Solutions, as the best technology-based company (€ 6,000 prize); Ironchip best innovative company (€ 5,000); AOTECH, second prize in the category of the technology-based company (€ 4,000); and Purple Blob and Emerid System, second prizes in the innovative company category (€ 2,500 each)

13.05.2020 SECPHO

AOTECH optical sensors improve companies' production

When a few years ago Iker García, CEO of AOTECH, completed his PhD focused on monitoring turbines for aeronautical engines and later joined a company in the food industry, he was planting the seed of what is now this company that applies photonics to different industrial processes.

sensores ópticos de AOTECH

30.10.2019 EL CORREO

B-Venture closes its fourth edition bringing together more than 1,100 people

"The event, the biggest startup event in northern Spain, has allowed this year to present its proposals to more than a hundred companies."

06.10.2019 EL CORREO

The power of supervision

"The solutions provided by this 'startup' located in Biscay allow improving the performance and safety of aviation engines"

Startup AOTECH

21.07.2019 EL CORREO

Music, football, fight against cancer and a safe vote in the next B-Venture

"The forum organized by ELCORREO to promote startups and ventures will be held on 29 and 30 October."

Aotech gana la tercera edición de los premios "Ebro Talent: Caring for Innovation".

AOTECH es una empresa dedicada a la búsqueda de soluciones fotónicas para todo tipo de procesos industriales.

Para alzarse con el premio, presentó una solución innovadora para la monitorización de la producción de salsas de Ebro. Esta idea combina la tecnología NIRS (Near-InfrRed Spectroscopy) con un modelo predictivo basado en algoritmos de machine learning. Esto permite obtener información en tiempo real, lo que facilita la toma de decisiones rápidas y evita pérdidas innecesarias debido a errores de composición o fallos en la maquinaria y la línea de producción, según Ebro Foods.

AOTECH ganadora premio Ebro Talent