Proyecto BIOECD: Biosensor para la detección en línea de e.coli en agua de aclarado

We have successfully completed the project BIOECD: BIOSENSOR FOR IN-LINE E-COLI DETECTION IN RINSE WATER.

The aim of this project carried out in the framework of the European S3FOOD project was to develop an optical biosensor to determine the presence of E. coli in the final rinse water during the cleaning in place (CIP) process of food processing lines.

As a final conclusion of the project, the results obtained are really promising and allow us to be optimistic about a future product that will allow us to validate the cleaning of food facilities based on the presence of bacteria such as E. Coli.

It is interesting to point out that we have reached the minimum detection limit of the best laboratory systems with a much shorter analysis time than any other technique, so although the system has been developed in a laboratory environment, a huge breakthrough has been made for its operation in real conditions.

We are very grateful to the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, ASINCAR y UPV/EHU Madrid for the support received for the realisation of this project.

Applying photonics to the food industry.



“This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 824769. This project reflects the views of the author and the European Union is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.”

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