LYSOSENS PROJECT. Sensor for the determination of Lysozyme concentration in whey.
LYSOSENS project aims to develop a prototype of an optical system that allows detecting the presence of lysozyme in an “at-line” way. With this prototype, we will carry out a proof of concept to check whether the technology offers valid results and the viability to continue with the development of the sensor towards a commercial version. Once the tanks arrive at the factory, the samples will be taken from each of them and will be analysed, obtaining the results in approximately two minutes.
This equipment will be very useful for all those companies, as Galacteum, dedicated to the valorisation of whey coming from the manufacture of cheese since it will allow them to ensure that their final products are free of lysozyme, and thus achieve a product of higher quality and at a competitive price in the market. In certain cheese factories, especially those making sheep cheese, they use lysozyme as a preservative to increase the useful life of the cheese, and part of this lysozyme remains in the whey. Lysozyme is a protein obtained from eggs and is an allergen that must be declared in products, even if they only contain traces. The system to be developed in the project will allow those companies dedicated to the valorisation of whey to carry out routine analyses of the received whey.
Once again, we apply photonics to the food industry, in this case, the dairy sector.
“This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 824769. This project reflects the views of the author and the European Union is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.”