Tests proyecto NIRMILK - AONIR-C

NIRMILK PROJECT. AONIR-C EQUIPMENT TESTS. Sensor for milk characterisation.

We start the validation of our AONIR-C facilities thanks to the DULCEGRADO SL gracias al proyecto financiado por S3FOOD project and with the help of ASINCAR. Our goal is to characterise inline the milk that Dulcegrado uses to make its dairy desserts. Our system will provide, in real-time, the percentages of fat, protein, dry extract and lactose, in such a way that it will allow to adjust the production process of Dulcegrado to the characteristics of the milk received from its suppliers, optimising production and homogenising the quality of their products.


Once again, we apply photonics to the food industry, in this case, the dairy sector.



“This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 824769. This project reflects the views of the author and the European Union is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.”

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